Sports Medicine Specialist
Urgent Care and TeleHealth
Occupational Medicine & Urgent Care located in Napa, Sonoma, Petaluma and Benicia
Whether you’re a die-hard athlete or a weekend warrior, sports injuries can sideline more than just your fun. Injuries like sprains and fractures can put you out of work. You need reliable and fast medical attention from board certified medical providers. At Urgent Care and TeleHealth in Napa, Sonoma and Benicia, we conveniently serve residents from the San Francisco Bay Area as well as visitors to California’s Wine Country. Schedule an appointment online or call the office nearest you to learn more about available sports-medicine services.
Sports Medicine Q & A
What is sports medicine?
Our providers are experienced in treating minor to serious sports-related injuries to your bones, muscles, or soft tissues, including:
- Bumps
- Bruises
- Abrasions
- Sprains
- Fractures
We can also evaluate and treat sports-related concussions in children and adults.
In many sports injuries, prompt treatment is important to preventing other medical issues. At Urgent Care and TeleHealth, the entire staff works to ensure you are seen by a board-certified doctor as soon as possible.
Do I need to go elsewhere for X-rays or tests?
No. At Urgent Care and TeleHealth, digital X-rays and laboratory services are available on-site. This means you can receive comprehensive medical care for your sports-related injury without having to wait in the long lines at an emergency room or schedule testing elsewhere.
With these on-site services, you can expect a fast and accurate diagnosis of your injury. In the event you need surgery or treatment from a specialist, Dr. Ahwah and the medical team can provide you with a referral during your evaluation.
What happens if I have a broken bone?
With advanced on-site digital X-rays, Dr. Ahwah and the team can identify fractures and breaks in your bone without a long wait. The medical team can provide you with stabilizing equipment to prevent further injury and promote healing.
Urgent Care and TeleHealth facilities are well-stocked with durable medical equipment, including:
- Crutches
- Splints
- Braces
- Orthopedic boots
This equipment is available for your convenience, so you don’t have to visit another medical-supply provider.
Can I get a same-day appointment for sports injuries?
Yes. The staff at Urgent Care and TeleHealth works to provide same-day appointments whenever possible. Call the office nearest you to get the next available appointment following your injury.
In the event of a severe injury, such as with a severe bone break that requires surgery or a significant back or head injury, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room for medical treatment.
To learn more about available sports-related injury treatment and referrals, schedule an appointment by phone or use the online booking feature for the Urgent Care and TeleHealth office near you.
Services We Provide
STD Testing and Treatment
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COVID Treatments: Paxlovid Antiviral
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Cholesterol Testing and Treatment
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High Blood Pressure Testing and Treatment
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Sports Medicine
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Flu Shots and Vaccines
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Chronic Migraine and Headache Diagnosis and Treatment
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Heartburn and Acid Reflux/GERD